Black pudding is not the kind of pudding that you think of. What are the ingredients used in making black pudding? This is what you will learn today in this page. But before anything else, let’s discover what black pudding is.
Black Pudding – What Is It?
Black pudding is a form of blood sausage. It could be disgusting to know that this food is made from pigs’ blood but once you taste it, you will realise why it’s so popular. Black pudding is usually consumed and enjoyed by Western people, particularly those who live in England, France, Scotland, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Poland, Estonia, Portugal, Spain and many other countries.
How Black Pudding Is Made?
Black pudding is typically made from animal blood, in most cases the blood of pigs and a reasonable amount of oatmeal. It is usually grilled, baked, fried or boiled. This could be consumed cold while it’s cooked while in production. It is flavored occasionally by using pennyroyal.
This food is typically cooked with fillers, like bits of meat, oats, suet, barley and is congealed until it becomes solid. Different cuisines across the world added this type of “pudding” and people find it pleasurable to eat. Aside from pork blood, black pudding can also be made by using cow blood and it can also be made by using the blood of lambs, geese or ducks. On the other hand, the seasonings used, and the fillers as well as the form of animal blood to be used in cooking black pudding may differ depending on the regional tastes as well as in local availability.
In countries like UK, black pudding is known to be a delicacy within the Black County, Stornoway, the West Midlands, the North West, and also in Lancashire. In these areas, this food is conventionally boiled and will be served coming with malt vinegar or mustard. The Stornoway’s version of black pudding that is produced on the Western Isles of Scotland has gained Protected Geographical Indicator of Origin status.
Black puddings are likewise sliced and grilled or fried as a part of the traditional complete breakfast in countries Ireland and United Kingdom. It was a folklore that followed Irish and British emigrants across the globe. Black pudding is currently a part of local cuisine in the provinces of Newfoundland, Labrador and Nova Scotia in Canada.
It could be challenging and tricky to get fresh blood in making black pudding within the home kitchen when the cook doesn’t slaughter his or her own animals. When one brings animals to the abattoir to be slaughtered, the owner of the animal may request that the blood of the animal to be collected and retained aside from the carcass.
In case that you don’t have either pig or cow and you wish to make black pudding, one thing that you can do to get fresh blood is to visit an abattoir and buy animal blood from him. If not, you may opt to dried blood that you can buy from the specialty suppliers and then reconstitute it.
Where to Buy Black Pudding
Black Pudding Recipes
Black Pudding Stuffed Braised Beef Olives